Answer to BEREC at the stakeholder meeting in Brussels about net neutrality

This position paper develops the key points we exposed during a BEREC stakeholder meeting in Brussels on March, 14th. It is organized in topics, in the order in which they were discussed during the meeting.

We co-drafted it with La Quadrature du Net, which also published this paper on its website.

The main subject discussed here is : how to monitor and test net neutrality? Which tools will be helpful to get the evidence needed to trigger the regulator?

Our propositions are exposed in the text attached. In particular:

  • we think that these tool should be free software;
  • we need specific tests and not a permanent monitoring of the network;
  • the privacy of the citizen should always be protected : all results should be published but in an aggregated form, nothing that could lead back to the user;

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This is a basic anti-spam system ;)