Response to BEREC's consultation about its Net Neutrality Guidelines
Submitted by quota_atypique on
Here is our resonse to the BEREC's consultation on the evaluation of the application of Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 and the BEREC Net Neutrality Guidelines.
We gathered our answers to the precise questions in topics, as they were closely linked together.
Our position insists in particular on:
- the fact that this text must be related with the European Electronic Communication Code, still in trialogue, which for the time being contains disturbing provisions, including for the scope of the regulator;
- the fact that the battle for net neutrality is never won: the flourishing of commercial offers that take advantage of the gray zone around zero-rating is worrying;
- the importance of an harmonized regulatory policy at European level;
- the paramount importance of not bargaining the fundamental rights of citizens in the name of the development of new technologies, even if they are promising (5G, edge computing) or in the name of economic growth alone;