Submitted by quota_atypique on
BEREC, the European Telecoms Regulation organization, is about to produce recommendations in order to interpret the ambiguous Net Neutrality European Parliament's law last voted in october. BEREC is aiming to facilitate its application in Europe members states.
Several europeans associations are worried about a law misinterpretation that could cause permanent damages to Net Neutrality's principles, particularly regarding the so-called "specialized services", traffic management and "zero rating". These organizations join their voices and forces to influence the European regulator and propose their vision of an "open" Internet.
The initiative is called Save The Internet and has already launched an alternative consultation inviting all citizens to express themselves on the subject, ahead of the formal consultation that BEREC will launch in June 2016. It is this initiative, already composed of La Quadrature du Net, EDRI, Nurpa, Bits of Freedom, Initiative für Netzfreiheit, Digitale Gesellschaft, X-Net, among others, that joined the FDN Federation.
This is an opportunity for us to raise our voice on what we expect of the regulation of telecommunications in Europe. Indeed, the BEREC's responsibility goes beyond the mere economic framework : it's about the possibilities European citizens will have to speak in public and access the Internet wealth. This is a matter of fundamental rights. And it depends on guarantees and sanctions that will be established.